Today I went to the hospital to get the first major scan, hence a good picture of baby Jones. He was very active moving his arms and he even flipped around completely and literally showed his @%s...mmm-hmm, he acting up already! I actually think I felt the baby twice in the last week but one can never tell because it's just a could have been gas. Once was last week while I was on the train and then yesterday after eating a fabulous Cuban lunch of steak, eggs, tostones and corn. I was especially pleased with the food and maybe the baby was too and decide to do a one-hand somersault.
So the baby is pretty much set, now it's going to spend 6 more months growing and relaxing for him which translates into 1 lb per week and eventually new clothes for me. As we got on the elevator to leave the hospital, there was a newborn on his way out screaming his head off, DH turned to me and asked me if I was ready for that and I was like "that is not going to be our baby." Oh, we are going to have some serious heart-to-heart conversations before he is born as to my expectations about his behavior ;)
On my open projects front, I got two quotes back on all the stuff I want done and they were both scary but there was like $5k difference between the 2. See, this is why I don't like dealing with Mechanics or Contractors...Obama needs to address them once we get health care under control :-/ I will hopefully visit the last hospital on Sunday and then I can check that off my list. I also signed up for 2 project management classes in October so I can take the test to be a certified Project Manager by next summer. Now all I need to do is find a daycare and a 529 plan for baby Jones since I am currently motivated to check stuff off my to-do list. Tomorrow I get to go to Shake Shack with my French class friends, and yes, I will be drinking a chocolate milkshake outside in 60 degree weather...I am just hoping that it won't be too sweet!
BABY!!! How do you know it's a boy, it could still be a girl! I'm so excited, can't you tell by my exclamation points!!!! lol
You are so handed flip...of course the baby is athletic. Plus he's acting are funny LOL LOL!!!
I love this active pregnancy that you're having...its a true testament, that one can be prego and still be Fab!!
Wow!!! Your first sonogram! So exciting!!
Oh do you have a preference on what you wanna have? Are you gonna find out the sex or do you wanna be surprised?
It could be a girl but I call it a he until further notice. We'll have confirmation of what it is in 6 weeks.
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