Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What day is it anyway?

Because I work in Academia, the assumption is always that every single thing in the world must be done before we leave for winter break in December. Due to this artificial deadline, it has been nonstop at work, all day, every day; in fact, I am eating my lunch and responding to e-mails simultaneously while typing this ;-) This weekend I get to go to NC to visit some friends and I am tres'll be like a 2 day vacation! Last weekend was tough because a very dear friend of the family went home to glory. She and my grandma have been friends for 55 years and I absolutely loved everything about her...I hope my grandchildren will feel the same way about my friends. She was hoping that I would have a girl...

So I am at the half point today, exactly 20 weeks (5 months) and things are looking good. Weekly Chiropractor and Yoga have done wonders for my hips so I am almost pain free. I have gained 2 lbs this month and I feel like my trip this weekend will give me 1 more lb before I see the doctor next week ;) I think I am going to need maternity shirts by Christmas because my belly is starting to push out. I went to the consignment store yesterday and I really hated how all the tops looked on my boobs, the minimizer bras that I bought 3 months ago are now holding on for dear life...I need a trip to Nordstroms to talk to the bra whisperer! My love affair with mayonnaise continues...last week DH brought home a blimpie's ham 12 inch sub for himself and I completely devoured half of it while he has playing NBA live; it's really embarrassing to eat what was in essence a sandwich the size of my daughter standing in the dark kitchen but i couldn't stop myself! DH had lots of jokes on me but he wasn't mad. I think this will pass in another week or so...last month I just had to have baked beans and now I am not in the least bit interested.

I can't wait until Christmas break in 4 more weeks! I think by then I will be ready to brave the kiddy section of Target and actually buy the stuff on my list.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The mystery is over!

Today I finally got to have the mid-term ultrasound. I made sure and had a good breakfast with eggs, toast, Orange Juice and Coffee so that the baby would be up and moving because I have no idea if I will get another ultrasound before its over and really, 20 more weeks is a long time to wait to finally learn the gender. To my delight, it worked like a charm and the baby was up and moving and we were able to get a good shot to confirm that it's a girl! She weighs 10 ounces and is coming along nicely.
She was all over the place and she attempted to put her foot in her mouth. She was also scratching her head so perhaps she even has hair! I don't actually feel any of this stuff so I am guessing that I can only feel when she does something crazy. This also proves once and for all that one cannot guess the sex :-/ I was prepared for a boy because I lost my love for sweets, there is overall a shortage of girl births and I just never got any girl "vibes" but alas it is a girl as DH has hoped for all along. To get my mind to transition into a girly frame of mind, I had to go to the mall and purchase the onesie above for my daugther to make her official in the house :o) I am looking forward to having lots of fun, taking her to Paris and teaching her everything I know... until she is a teenager, at which point she will call herself "dating" some guy that we will inevitably dislike. So here is what she is looking like from the outside (yes, I am at the gap getting some jeans on sale!)...not a real bump yet but we are getting there.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

T minus 1 week

The wait is almost over, if all goes well, the Jones fetus will be "the boy/girl formerly known as it" next week! More good news, in my weekly chiropractor visit today it appears that my legs are now even again. My hip area still hurts but I am making progress in my stretching and I am going to be taking a weekly yoga class starting next Saturday. I was laying on the floor doing stretches while pretending to watch the world series with DH and I guess the baby got annoyed at me. So when I laid back down on the couch and rested my hand on my belly, I actually felt the baby push my hand! It was a distinct "get off me" push; I guess somebody got a little weight on them now and want to assert themselves...all 6 ounces of themselves ;)

DH was supposed to be going on a guy's trip to DR next week but alas the flights never came down in price. The cheapest flight that we could find was $745 3 weeks ago, right now they are $994. He was moping around the house and mentioned that he thought he was his last chance for a guy's trip and I had to ask "where did you ever get that idea?" He was under the impression that people with children don't go on trips. Of course I squashed that right there because I totally plan on going on my annual girl trip + my trip with DH + in 5 years I will institute a "family" trip. I wonder if he thought I was going to suddenly morph into a sanctimommy? Note to DH: I don't believe in being a martyr so I will continue to live my life and not put it on hold until I am 48. He seemed really relieved and he even smiled when I mentioned that I got him all covered for his 30th b-day trip next year with the guys...I can totally handle a 5-month-old all by myself + I have fabulous babysitter roster if needed ;)

Tonight I get to watch the Denver Nuggets beat the poor 0-4 Nets. I am very excited though because we actually got good seats (like row 1 good!) for cheap on stubhub...probably because the Nets are so bad right now. It should still be fun even if its just DH and I at the game ;)