Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

I know that I have been quite negligent in posting but I assure you that it has been for good reason. First it was Christmas and all the fun that led up to the holiday with baking cookies and cakes and making tamales and socializing. Last week life took an unexpected turn and Omi who a few of you may remember at the wedding went home for good.

I also must mention that I started reading Harry Potter again and I have been thoroughly consumed by the last three books. I am currently on the last few chapters of book seven and I just can't put it down! Its so bad that I didn't even cook dinner last night and stayed up until 11 reading. DH doesn't seem to mind though because he was caught up watching the Iowa caucus.

As I look back on 2007, I must say that it was the best year of my life so far...and I in retrospect, have had my fair share of good years! As I get older I get better about not dwelling on the bad times or things that make me sad, I just learn from them and move on. I know how easy it can be to feel sorry for yourself and get caugh up in what did not go your way. So I made a conscious decision some time ago to be an optimist and it has worked out quite well thus far. To me being an optimist doesn't mean that bad things don't happen or that you live in an imaginary bubble, it just means that you can get over them because you know something good will always be around the corner. So 2008 will be my year of gratitude for what has been and excitment for all the new possibilities.

1 comment:

LadyEboDiva said...

I definitely agree about not dwelling on the shoulda, coulda, woulda's in life. There is a life to live and a DIVA's got to do just that