Monday, February 11, 2008

News from the homefront

I was trying to get the superbowl pictures from my house for last week's post but I can't find my camera cord so that'll have to wait. We realy need a bluetooth camera or something wireless because that is a pain. This weekend I went to Ebony's grandma's house and I had such a fabulous time! She made perfect grits, ribs that were falling off the bone and cake with crack in it. It brought home many containers but I let DH have at it because he can enjoy without the consequences. He ate all the cake already and he kept saying..."I don't understand, how can somebody make cake like this?"

It was my weekend to clean (sigh) so I worked on bathrooms on Saturday night before going to see "Welcome home Roscoe Jenkins" which was hilarious. I think I am going to name my only child Roscoe if he is a boy just to toughen him up a bit. I did go to church at 7:45 am on Sunday although Lady Eboy predicted otherwise (nan, nan, nana-nah!). We then proceded to go buy a washer and dryer (score one for wifey). Todd was cool with me getting the fancy one with all them buttons and a see-through screen (because he wants a TV...not slick!) but in the end, my practical side won over. I was not willing to spend 2 grand on a washer and dryer when the GE regular model would work. Plus, I don't care what all the other cool wives are getting...I live in a townhouse so I figure that a fancy washing machine is not necessary until I capitulate and become a suburbanite (never!).

So as part of the Lent celebration, pastor has called a church-wide fast. The first fast is on Food, mondays and Tuesdays from Sun-up to Sun down. I am going to try my best, but not eating is a serious challenge. So far I just had to have a muffin today because I thought I was going to die but I am now drinking water instead of lunch (sigh). The other fast is on complaining for the next 40 days which I think is fabulous. I subconsciously know that I have no right to complain for the rest of my life but the problem is I live in America and that is part of the culture. Never mind that if you have assets of more than $2200 that puts you in the top half of the wealthiest people in the world, which most people in America do. Couple that with a steady food supply and a life expectancy of 85 and we all live a charmed life...but we don't compare ourselves to the rest of the world, nope, only celebrities like J-Lo who spend $120k on a nursery;-)

So if you hear me complain during the next 40 days (old habits die hard), please tell me to remember the fast!


chinleti said...

Hey! Nice to hear that things are going well and that you guys have your washing machine and dryer. Hope you found a good deal. I would like to see Roscoe Jenkins also. The last movie that I saw was First Sunday which was somewhat funny (the Jamaicans were hilarious). But I know Martin is talented and all his movies are funny. I even look forward to seeing the Disney College Roadtrip movie with him and Raven Simone. Oh, I too have decided to sacrifice something near and dear to my heart for lent. SEX. LOL! But shoot, I might as well. The pregnancy has taken away my drive. Well, talk to you later, girl.
P.S. I don't know if you do, but check your e-mail. TTYL.

ChingDiva said...

SO, are we down for drinks at your house this weekend? I know you ain't doing anything! At least you can drink water for your fast. I tried to fast for one day for Ramadan with James and no water is allowed. i thought I was going to DIE.

vlagrl said...

Every day around lunch I think about how you cannot eat. I think I could do it until about 2 or 3. I admire your strength. You are going to be celebrating when the fast week is over!!!

vlagrl said...

Oh wait, it was just two days food fast. Still rough lol!