Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Addis Bite

Good Morning! I am happy to report that I spent the day yesterday doing absolutely nothing work related. I lounged around in my robe and read the newspaper and I even tried to watch day time TV (which was dreadful but I digress). Last night, at L's insistence, I wrote 15 thank you notes for the wedding which brings my total up to 20, wuh-huh! Only 80 more to go. I also submitted all my 65 pictures for the album for the photographer. Now if I could only get my dress dry-cleaned and all my other pictures in albums, the whole post-wedding production will be complete.

Happy Tuesday!


LadyEboDiva said...

Im back online now...Yay!! I so missed reading the adventures of another DIVA!!!

I'm so proud you were a complete bum yesterday...you deserve it!!

vlagrl said...

YAY!! I hope you are home today enjoying the snow day. It's been very productive for me. I've got my TDP email under control, out of office works and no more viagra and penis enlargement emails!!! Time to get my blackberry! Maybe more thank you notes today.....

Don't forget to enjoy the beauty of your maintenance cleaning your stairs and driveway.