Thursday, September 20, 2007

We really are getting married now...

Just got back from city hall and our marriage license should be ready for next Tuesday! Todd's mom was the witness and she had to testify that we are who we say we are and that we are not related...hehe! Todd and I went to our first dance lesson last night which was a lot of fun. We are definitely stiff do we need to work on relaxing and not stepping on each other. I really wanted to take a picture of Todd dancing with dude holding his elbows! But I know he won't let me because he has a reputation to uphold...hehe! So I am meeting with the minister tonight at 6pm and I am having a makeup trial after that in Woodbridge.

I still have 13 things on my list of things to complete by Sunday and I am pretty confident about everything but the seating chart...however, I am serious about finishing the list by Sunday because I am not going to be stressed last minute over this. Next week I should be caught up and I can actually shop and pack for the honeymoon :-)


ChingDiva said...


I was so worried about that marriage license girl. At least that's done.

vlagrl said...

YAY!! Truly beautiful.