Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Older but so not wiser

My 28th year of life begun this weekend on a rainy day courtesy of Hurricane Dan, who ruined my beach day. Rainy day aside, it was still a calm and relaxing day like I hoped...I even got to take a nap! My dearest Fuquita volunteered her digs as the site for my B-day diner where we feasted on Spaghetti and meat sauce with a side of KFC chicken. I surprisingly got a lot of cool presents (i have no expectations for my b-day at my age) and the embryo soon to be known as a fetus got a gift too! I got a fresh new perm, discovered my first gray hair and tried out the Chili's 2 for $20 promotion...it's only aait. Ok, back to paying the bills!

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